
Modern dentistry focuses firmly on prevention, but we may need to remove a tooth if it cannot be repaired, or if we need to create more space in your mouth for further treatment.
Tooth extraction may be necessary to remove a tooth loosened by gum disease, or one that has extensive decay or suffered damage. It may also be required for an impacted wisdom tooth or if you need more room for orthodontic treatment. Extracting teeth can help to eliminate pain and prevent infection.

The treatment process

  • We take an x-ray and examine your tooth to determine the most appropriate method of removal.
  • We numb the area, carefully loosen the tooth and remove it with dental forceps.

You should promote healing after an extraction by eating softer foods and chewing on the opposite side of your mouth. You should also avoid hot foods, smoking and alcohol. The site of extraction should be kept clean by rinsing with warm, salty water.